Intellectual Property Rights Law
IP-Rights (Trademark Law, Design Protection Law, Patent Law) | Copyright Law | IT-Law und E-Commerce | Unfair Trade Practices | Advertisement | Media Law

“Watch out for the brand!”, is a slogan used by the branded goods industry. We are taking care of your trademark, design, patent and copyrights and shall defend them against unlawful interference – or we might defend you if you receive an unjustified cease and desist letter.
Speaking of advertising: we check your advertising activities for compliance with fair trade law, and offer assistance against unfair trade practices by competitors.
In media law, our focus is to help you from tumbling on the narrow ridge between freedom of expression and privacy rights. Should your own privacy rights be infringed, regardless whether online or offline, we shall take appropriate action against the respective infringer.
IT and E-Commerce law are completing this consultancy area, in we can rely on decades of international experience.
Contact persons

Dr. Michael Wukoschitz
Attorney at Law